Saturday 25 June 2016

Evil Granny

Location:North Carolina United States
One night, I was at my grandma's house with my mom. My mom was in bed and me and my brother were staying up late. It was like 3:30 am, when me and my brother were getting tired. So I decided to get a glass of warm milk to help me sleep while Courtney, my brother, went to his room.
When I was done. I went to the hallway to make my way to my room, when all of a sudden I saw a woman standing in the hallway. She looked like she was in her 30's or 40's, but the thing that freaked me out was the fact that I could see right through her. I wanted to move but I couldn't, I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I just stood their frozen.
Just when I thought things couldn't get any freakier. I saw a smile slowly form on her face. Then she started walking towards me, walking became jogging then she was running with a devilish grin on her face. I just watched in horror. Then she ran faster and faster until she started screaming "Run child run". After that she started laughing like a devil or something. So I took her advice and I turned the other way and ran like hell. While I was running I was screaming my lungs out. I guess my mom heard me screaming, because I ran into her in the hall, scared as hell. I was just trembling in her arms the whole night with the sound of her laugh in my head.
That night my mom was crying because I was trembling so much. Finally she asked me what was wrong with me. So I told her everything, and the more I told, the more worried she got. Once I was done, she told me about her mom, and that was who I saw in the hallway.
From that day forward I would just tremble with the sight of that house.

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