Sunday 26 June 2016

Phone Call From Beyond?

Location:Michigan United States
Background on me: Empath, and somewhat clairvoyant. At time of experience was still in high school (occurred March 2009). I also own an original Ouija board, older than Parker Bros (another experience worth telling)
Experience One: Phone call
Paranormal Experience: this happened later on in the night on a Thursday. I just got off the phone with a friend, and he called later on while I was getting something.
Just before I walked out the door, I checked the caller ID/phone and there was only one message. I left his message on there because I was in a rush. After we got back (about 3 hours later), I came in to the message indicator saying there were two messages (first being my friend).
The weird thing about the second message was that it did not show up in the caller ID. Regardless, I played it, and got a much worse feeling about the message.
The message first sounded like someone was crying-when this happened, it felt like I just got punched. The next part was even more disturbing: while the crying was going on it slowly transitioned to sounding like the phone was underwater-no more crying at the end, just an underwater-type sound (muffled, sounded like when you are underwater and something got dunked close to you-that type of sound)
Of course, by the time that happened, I started to panic for some reason-my first thought was to call my Dad (yeah, I may be 18, but when I hear a message like that... I don't care how it sounds-I was scared. This is coming from a guy who laughs at horror).
After the message played, the phone usually gives some stats (phone number, when it was called/date, etc.) -according to the stats, the call was placed 2min since my friend's last call-which I would believe, but I was present when the call was placed (I would have seen it). By all accounts, the message shouldn't have existed Nonetheless; the entire call left me with a feeling of dread.
Theories: After I calmed down some, I tried to come up with some non-paranormal theories, just to try and explain it
Theory 1: Somehow, my friend either didn't hang up, or dialled randomly. I would believe it except that even messed up calls has an ID on my phone-It's happened a few times, but there has always been an ID. The last call that appeared on the phone was my friend, and not the disturbing call.
Theory 2: Telemarketer + static: This one also seemed plausible, as they tend to leave some kind of vague message. This theory was neither proven nor denied because they usually leave an ID saying something like "Private number" or the like.
Theory 3: Prank call-I had to include the idea, even though I didn't think it was.
Finally, this may help later on, but when I played the message through the first time-my first though was that someone committed suicide by jumping into some form of water-which prompted me to check on most of my friends. If I get a feeling that bad, then I act on it (gut feelings). I've only had feelings like that a few times, and when they happen something bad usually happens.
The message got deleted-My dad came home and told me not to worry about it. I still don't believe him though; otherwise I wouldn't be posting this story in hopes to gain some thoughts.
Sorry for the long read-fossiler

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