Sunday 26 June 2016


Location:California United States
It was around 1:00 am and I had this strange feeling, so I turned over in my bed and opened my eyes. There was this white figure, five feet away, it became clearer by the second and soon I was able to make out eyes, nose, friendly smile, and most of the figure. It smiled at me and left.
I told my friends about it and they said they thought it was a ghost. I named him Steve. I still see or hear him around today but nothing like the first encounter. I was staying in a hotel in Savannah, Georgia and I was standing in the parlor eating chocolate kisses and I was about to go downstairs to the room and I saw a shadow on the wall that didn't move with mine. I knew I was alone so I assumed it was Steve. I started walking down the stairs and I hear creaks that the stairs had never made before and booming sounds followed me. They sounded like feet. I think that Steve was traveling with me that trip.
Later I heard that all sorts of weird things were happening around there. Mysterious mist in the graveyards, voices with no one speaking and (my favorite) a little girl giggling and pulling on your skirt when your alone. The town was said to be haunted and I knew that about a month before I came to town, they dug skeletons out of the walls of the room I was staying in.
I love that place and the Hotel was called the Foley House Inn.

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