Tuesday 28 June 2016

The House In Cypress

Location:California United States
When I was in the 4th grade, my family moved into a house in Cypress, California. On the outside it looked like any other on the block, but on the inside it was anything but normal. The layout of the upstairs had been changed by the previouse owner and went from a 4 bedroom to one large loft. But there was something else in the house that for the longest time only us kids encountered.
On the first day as we moved in, we watched a spice rack that was at the back of the counter, It slid across the tiled counter and over the lip at the end of it and crashed to the floor. Our parents did not believe us when we told them, they just thought one of us had done it ourself. But as the weeks went by, things continued.
The clock in the kitchen would periodically jumpoff the wall and land on the refidgerator 3 feets away, never once did it hit the ground. The T.V. and Stereo would turn on by them selves tunded to a station with nothing but static. Three to four times a week we would hear scratching noises on the east side of the house, and there were no bushes or trees on that side. My little sister and I would every so often hear someone moving around in the upstairs closet when no one else was up there. My parents however thought this was just all our imaginations, until one night.
My sister Kina and I, along with two other of my sisters, were up in her part of the loft one night (which was on the East side of the house) watching T.V. We started to hear music from the music boxes on the other side of the loft where my other two sisters beds were. They decided to go see what was going on and as soon as they turned the corner by the stairs, that is when it happened.
From outside Kinas window a voice called out to her, in a scratchy whisper, it called her name over and over. By the time it called her name the 3rd time we were already heading down the stairs, followed by my other two sisters. They were running because as they got to the music boxes, it stopped playing.
We ran to our dad and after telling him what happened he decided to go check it out. We followed him up the stairs to the window all of us moving as one. But you could have heard a pin dropped with the silence that followed him opening the curtains. On the window was two smeared handprints on the outside and hanging from the beam of the roof was a noose. My dad thought someone had tried to break in and called the police.
After they arrived and checked the house and the surrounding property, they found nothing. They told my dad that no one could have gotten to that side of the house from the outside, only from the inside was it possible. That is when they informed my dad what had occured at the house years before. It seemed that the owners, prior to the one we got the house from, had a teenage daughter. One day when they had come home early they discovered her body swinging from a noose from that very window, and on the outside of the window was two smeared hand prints. Thats all my dad needed to hear. We moved out that week, realizing that for some reason she was still there and did not want any other children in that house.
From time to time I go by that House in Cypress and alway get the feeling something is watching me. But to this day when I hear something outside the window I hesitate to look, in fear something may be looking back.

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