Sunday 26 June 2016

Movements From Spirits

Location:California United States
This is Bella and my story is:
Usually when I'm in my room I feel a presence, and it's very uncomfortable. One night I was sitting on my bed doing my homework when I heard knocking on my door. I thought it was my sister, Marie, but it wasn't. After the third knock I heard I got up and opened the door to yell at her. No one was there though, so I closed the door. I thought I was hearing things but I wasn't putting it off.
Around 11:00p.m. I began to watch TV. I felt that awkward presence, just then my purse that was on my shelf flew off and hit the ground. It wasn't just a push because it went to the middle of my room! It was as if someone had chucked it!
Usually there are a lot of movements from nothing that meets the eye. My TV turns off; the radio changes the station, my lights dim, my doors open. The purse incident was the most powerful yet.
A few months on the Ouija board we asked if they were strong enough to move things, and who ever we spoke to they said no. But each case that happens seems like it's from a different spirit. Like each one can do certain things. I really want all of it to stop though.
Questions I would like answers to:
Does this activity mean anything?
Do you have any idea on what type of paranormal thing this may be?
Can anything bad come from all this movement?
Is the spirit trying to contact/tell me something?

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