Sunday 26 June 2016

The Scariest Haunted House in America

Location:Virginia United States
 Like I said in my other story, The Two Little Boys Of Williamsburg, Virginia, I live in New York and go to a traveling camp. We went on a ghost tour in Williamsburg and went to the Scariest Haunted House in America. We just stood in front of it looking at it while our overly dramatic tour guide told us all these stories about the master bedroom on the second floor. About nine people died in that one bedroom, eleven people died in the whole house, and one person managed to get away before anything happened to her. Well one of the stories is very true because you can see it for yourself.
The first time someone died it that house was when there was a family of one mother and eight children. Four of the children died. One died in that master bedroom, the other three died in the backyard. The child that died in the bedroom was one of the oldest. About 14 years old. He loved that bedroom. One night he was falling asleep in there. He was awoken at around 3:30 am to the sound of his bed rattling. He looked over is bed and there, staring straight at him, an old women rubbing her hands together with a smirk on her face (kinda like one of those evil villains in old movies when they are about to do something evil). He kept on starring at her, and she was starring at him. The women goes after a while "I'm going to kill you..." The boy jumps out of his bed and runs to the mirror and checks if the women has a reflection. She doesn't. The women kills the boy, in the master bedroom.
Everyone in my group was so scared. I was shaking. I was so scared that I just kept on starring that the master bedroom window. Then our tour guide said something that was so weird (not scary, weird) that it got me wondering. He said "Now, if you look at the window of the master bedroom, you can sort of see a dim light..." I looked, I can see it, I thought, so there's a light, not so exciting. Then our tour guide says "Now remember, this house is from the 1800s, there was no electricity in the house..." I was like, oh my god! Where is that light coming from! "Last year, a couple of ghost hunters on halloween, with a camera crew, came into this house, up the stairs, and into the master bedroom. The camera showed maybe 200 fireflies flying in a circle around the room, mostly around the mirror..." I wasn't scared, everyone else was, I wasn't though because I was still wondering why. Well I know why they were in only the master bedroom and not the rest of the house and why they were mostly flying around the mirror, but I don't know why they were still glowing and still in there.
Someone please explain!

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