Wednesday 29 June 2016

Unknown Girl

My name is Krystal and the story I am about to tell you is authentic. Last summer I was lying down on my bed trying to sleep. In the past, I have had trouble sleeping and was moving around a lot. I share a room with my little sister and I sleep on the top bunk. While I was trying to sleep, I happened to turn and face the wall. It felt like someone was looking at me. I heard something at the foot of my bed so I looked over the edge, at the floor, and saw nothing, so I lied back down. I still felt someone looking at me and thought that it was my little sister, so I looked to my other side and saw a little girl about 4 feet tall, with short brown/blond hair. Still thinking it was my sister, I told her to go to bed and turned around. Just then the "thing" touched my shoulder and I swung to move the hand. As I swung, the hand released and I yelled at my sister to leave me alone. Then I looked back and the little girl was looking at me again. But this time she was frowning. I was tired so I thought that my sister was joking around. I yelled for my sister to go to bed, then layed back down. Then I heard a bang on the bed. When I turned around the girl was gone. I yelled for my sister to get up, but she opened the bedroom door from the kitchen and asked what I want... It turns out that my sister was in the living room with my mom the whole time. To creep me out even more, I realized the next day that the girl in my room had brown hair, while my sister has bleached blond hair.
I would really like you comments on this and tell me what you think. This was so scary I would never wish anyone to see that little "thing" again.
[2006-12-18: The following is an update to the story]
Last thursday I was taking a nap (which I never do) as my friend was taking a shower. Then out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw a little girl. She was sitting on my shelf. I turned on my light to see and no one was there, so I decided to ignore it.
Two days ago, I was cleaning my room with my clock radio on, then static came on and people were talking. It wasn't the radio because I had my other radio on too and they were singing a song... so I turned my other radio off, listened and it was a little girl and a older woman. I was scared. Then my lava lamp top flew off my cupboard and fell to the ground. I screamed, then I got this horrible feeling and I had to leave my room. When I came back, the lava lamp lid was put back and the room was steamy hot. I was scared.
Another time when I was baby sitting my sister, I was vacuuming and all of a sudden someone screamed downstairs. But my sister was in the living room. Very scary.
Comment my story... I am very scared of this 'girl' and I don't know how to get rid of her... I think she is bad... I don't know for sure, though.

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