Tuesday 28 June 2016

The Operating Room

Have you ever felt eerie when you visit a hospital? A feeling that someone is watching you?
I am a nurse and I used to work in one of the oldest and most historic hospital's in Manila. In this hospital I was assigned to one of the most exciting areas - the operating room complex.
The operating room complex is divided into two distinct blocks. The right block is where all the scheduled operations take place whereas the left block takes care of the emergency, trauma and OB-Gyne cases. The whole complex is quite haunted and each block has its own collection of ghosts seen and felt by numerous nurses, residents and surgeons.
It was one ordinary working day. I was assigned to the night shift. Going on duty from 10:00pm to 6:00am the following day. My friend and I were discussing the presence of a ghost on our wing since she saw one the night before. I was telling her that I had heard a voice of a little girl when I was assigned to the other block. She laughed and said that the ghosts in this block were more aggressive and really made their presence felt since most of the patients that have died in this particular block have suffered traumatic accidents like being stabbed or shot. Most not really prepared to die.
I entered the operating room where I was assigned. I relieved the nurse from the previous shift. As soon as I was assisting the surgeon for the cholesystectomy case that they were performing one of them asked me what my friend and I were talking about. I said "We were just talking about the ghost she saw last night in room 11". They asked me if I believed in such things and I answered that I did believe in ghost since I have felt their presence in the OR complex. Almost all the room are haunted. They then told me about their own eerie experiences in the same complex.
The operation was taking longer than I expected. We took a break while waiting for the x-ray technician and his machine to arrive. We asked the circulating nurse to providee us with some seats. We took our seats and after sometime I was beginning to nod off. I suddenly felt a cold hand or finger touch my cheek. I opened my eyes to see if my co-nurses were playing a trick on me. I saw that the rest of the team was asleep and the other nurses were busy since there were other procedures being done in the other rooms. I decided that it was just my imagination getting the better of my so I closed my eyes again.
I was falling asleep again. The presence was not satisfied with just touching my cheek. It became bolder... more intense. It nudged the chair where I was sitting. After this I just stood up fully awake now goosebumps all over my arms and legs. I looked for my co-nurses leaving the sleeping surgeons to fend for themselves.

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