Sunday 26 June 2016

Strange Little Girl

Recently I have moved homes from a fifty-year-old home to a twenty year old home. For you to kind of understand what I am explaining I need to explain the layout of my room and the hallway outside of it.
My bed is in the corner of two of the walls facing my cupboard with mirror doors and my door to the hallway outside. Straight across from the door is the toilet and located between the doors is a third door, which leads to my younger sisters room.
About 2 weeks ago I was lying on my bed reading when I looked up from my book. I saw a little girl with black hair looking into my little sisters room. She was wearing what looked like an old nighty. It was white and just reached the floor. She looked sad. She then disappeared.
From then on I have started talking to her asking her to tell me about her, show me signs of her presence. She answered none of them until I told her it was time for her to leave and find her loved ones. I hadn't seen her after that for about two days.
I went out shopping one day after and when I got home things had been moved in my room. My porcelain doll I have sitting on my bookcase had been moved towards the end of my bookshelf. My alarm clock that sat in front of that had been thrown on the floor along with some beads and plastic diamantes that had been placed on my candle chandelier.
No one had been in my room my windows were closed and our pets stay outside. Since then I have seen orbs sitting in front of my face and moving across the walls. I woke up this morning to something sitting at the end of my bed. It felt like a small child was sitting there waiting for me to wake up.

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