Monday 27 June 2016

The Abnormal

Location:South Africa
I do believe in the abnormal, I have had experiences since my childhood, fortunately nothing neither extreme nor bad. I'm a 26 years old female and hope that some one can help me.
This is not a story but a mere cry for help. We are moving this weekend in a house which we luckily know the history of. (We are renting it from my friend's aunt.) Two people hung themselves (not together but 10 years apart from each other) one in the dining room and the other in the servant's room which is outside. We don't know why they hung themselves or why they chose that method for taking their lives. Both were servants that weren't related to each other in any way.
The problem is that I'm very sensitive and have had many small experiences in the past. Apparently there are some activities in the dining room, doors that open when closed even if locked. The sound of crying early in the morning.
I like this house and when I first went to have a look at it I felt warm and welcomed but the last thing I want to do is share it with a spirit.
Please let me know how I can clean this house from any unwanted activity. I read some where that burning a white candle can help. What else?
Thank you for reading.

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