Monday 27 June 2016

One Last Flight Together

“The story goes that a flight attendant went downstairs to prepare the beds for everyone. As she opened the stair house door and looked in an elderly man was sitting on the stairs. When the crew member challenged the “pax” about why he was down in a restricted area he said “Oh sorry, I am traveling with my wife who is upstairs in seat X. She will be worried about me. Can you tell her I am OK?”
The man went upstairs and into the lav just opposite the stair house door. The crew member duly went to talk to the man’s wife who was astonished to hear the story as her husband was indeed traveling home with her but in a coffin in the hold!!
A description of the man was correct as witnessed by the flight attendant and the captain confirmed they were indeed carrying a body. The lav was checked for the man but it was empty!”

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