Monday 27 June 2016


Appeal of Man Who Wants to Take Her Body From Potter’s Field.
Location:NEW YORK – Explaining that for two years he had been haunted by his wife’s ghost, John Crane, a laborer, of 261 East 71st street, yesterday appealed to Coroner Harburger to assist him. His wife committed suicide In 1905 by jumping into the East River.
When the body was recovered, Crane was sent for, but he denied knowing the woman. He told Coroner Harburger that he had refused to make the identification, owing to the gossip of his neighbors, who had said he was really glad to get rid of his wife because he wanted to marry a younger woman.
“That was why I let Bridget go to the potter’s field. God forgive me,” he said. “But I’ve had no peace of mind ever since, nor sleep. Night after night she comes to me and rebukes me for letting her lie there with the unknown dead. She was a decent woman and I did wrong. Please let me dig her up and rut her to rest In consecrated ground.”
Coroner Harburger said that all he could do was to accept Crane’s identification as the official one, and he would gladly do that if it gave him any comfort. But It was up to the health department, he said, to give permission to disinter a body.
“The blessing of Cod on you all,” said Crane as he left for the health department.

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