Tuesday 28 June 2016

My Ghostly Past

Location:South Africa
When I was about six years old, I had a fear of something in the hallway of our house. I can't remember it but my mom says I would describe it as an animal that was see through and that I would scream if someone wanted to go down the hall because the animal would hurt them. Now I don't know if this was paranormal or just my young imagination. Four years later after moving to another house I saw what I believed to be a ghost.
I was lying in front of the TV as always, on the floor. On the right hand side was the door that led to the kitchen. I looked to the kitchen and saw a man crawling to me with a rope around his neck, it was almost like he was see-through but I could see the outline of him. This warm rush of fear went through my body. I got up and ran to my mom who was sitting on the other end of the room. I was screaming at that point, I kept saying he's coming! He's coming. When I looked away and looked again, he was gone.
Two months later we moved out of the house. That same day we found out that a man had hung himself in the kitchen one year earlier because his girlfriend had left him. I am now an adult and I am sad to say I haven't seen something paranormal since that night.
Thank you for reading my story.

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