Sunday 26 June 2016

The Ghost In The School Bathroom

I live up in Northern Ca. Its very country up here and this town is very famous for the gold rush.
Today was my first day of summer school- blech. I was not familiar with the place because it was more of a school for "bad kids". I have never attended summer school until now and I was sort of scared because there were a lot of bad kids that got in fights and smoked pot and have been to juvy.
I was in the class and I felt very misplaced because I am known as a "good goody". I asked the teacher to go to the bathroom. I was walking down the hall feeling fine but all the sudden I felt very uneasy and nervous. I thought nothing of it so as I reached the bathroom I took the stall between the two other ones. No one was in there, and all the stalls were empty. As I closed the stall door, I heard the bathroom door open and someone walking in. I saw the shadow go past my stall as they passed, but then they didn't go in any of the stalls or leave the bathroom or anything- they just stopped at the back of the bathroom. I opened the door and walked out. No one was there. I thought I was just too tired and my mind was playing tricks on me. I went to the sink to wash my hands. Then I heard the footsteps again. They were louder this time though and they were coming towards me. I turned around and right as I did they it stopped and no one was there. By this point I was starting to freak out. I turned back around to wash my hands as fast as I could and the foot steps started again. This time I didn't even turn. I just ran out the door.
As I was walking down the hall they were still behind me and as I started to quicken my pace up so did they. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Right as I put my hand on the class room door, it stopped. So did I. I just stood there for a few seconds just re-capping what happened. Right as I walked in the door I rushed back to my seat and sat down next to my friend. She noticed I was pale and speechless. The funny thing is, she said, "What happened, it looks like you just saw a ghost." I looked at her and said "You have no idea." she got a confused look on her face and I told her what happened. She just nodded and said. "You know, I'm not surprised. Like 6 years back, two girls got in a fight in that bathroom and one pulled a knife. The girl died later that day in the Hospital." She's not the type to lie and I totally believed her because she knows not to mess around with me with all the paranormal stuff. She knows I freak out.
I'm still in shock about what happened today. It was an interesting experience.

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