Saturday 25 June 2016

Weird Living Room

Location:United Kingdom
First of all I am ten. This encounter happened a few months ago. We were having a no tech week so we couldn't watch tv. We had the lego down stairs and my dad picked me up from school and was now having a nap. It was raining outside and my friend knocked on the door and asked if she could stay here because she had lost her key.
We sat in the living room and started playing with the lego. I didn't have the lights on, so it was a bit dark. She started talking about ghosts and we had a long conversation about ghosts and how her history teacher is haunted. My foot became numb and I had a shiver down my spine. Then the glass door leading to the living room began to open. I shut it, it opened again. I did this a number of times and I shut the door properly, but it still opened.
Every time I opened the door I felt a icy hand grab my shoulder and send shivers down my spine. I turned on the lights and everything stopped. Then my brother arrived from school. We carried on talking about ghosts. A power cut that lasted 20 seconds. No more happened that day.
But throughout the following months I have had similar experiences, such as shivers and the door. I am now at my friend's house and when I walked pass her sister's room, I saw a black ghostly figure. Also when someone taps me on the back and they say "did you feel that?", next they don't touch me and they say "did you feel that" and I can feel a number of taps on my back so I say "yes" and they break the news to me but I still did feel something.

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