Thursday 30 June 2016

Haunted Cubao Apartment

After the birth of our daughter in 2006 my wife and I moved in to a unit in newly-built apartment in Cubao near the busy EDSA highway. We had just left a smaller studio unit because we wanted more room for the baby and some sunlight that a second-floor space could provide. Being located in a very busy part of the city where the rumble of provincial buses coming off the nearby terminals almost 24/7, I wouldn't have given any thought of anything paranormal could happen in that locale, much less in a new building like ours. Of course that was an assumption that I would be proven wrong.
One night my wife told me that she thought she saw a woman going in the bathroom. I told her I sometimes get a glimpse of someone going there too but I have always assumed it was her. Weeks later I was alarmed to see a man standing on our balcony, his upper body hidden by by the dark night. Aware of some thieves operating in the area, I took a cleaver from the kitchen to arm myself for a confrontation. When I rushed out to confront the stranger I noticed that his upper body, particularly his head was invisible, and not simply obscured by the dark. Nevertheless I found myself demanding to tell me who he is and to my surprise the man hopped on the balustrade and jumped off. When I rushed forward I glimpsed the smiling face of a Chinese-looking man disappear into the darkness. When I told this to my wife she began worry about our baby. Suppose these spirits were attracted to her? I consulted a friend psychic and he told me to hang red things above the crib to ward off these potential harmful beings. We also had the unit blessed by a Catholic priest.
What drove us to a tipping point occurred around August of 06. My wife, coming out of the bath noticed something black hovering over our daughter's crib and when she drew closer saw a man in dark shadow form of a man bent over. The shadow man disappeared when she ran to the crib and later that night she told me we had to cancel our lease right away, no matter what our landlord would say. (He denies knowing anything paranormal being reported in his apartment for the years he has been operating it.)
So in preparing to move out I had our laundry done at a nearby laundry shop. When the shop owner was writing my receipt, she drew back and asked if my address was correct. When I asked why she looked afraid (her eyes were wide) she refused to answer and just shook her head. This prompted me and my wife to ask our neighbors and we discovered that our landlord has rebuilt the apartment because a gruesome murder had taken place in the previous building that stood in the same lot. In the next three days we found another apartment in Marikina and needless to say moved out with unforeseen haste and I left a note to the landlord that his unit in noisy Cubao, in no small matter, was haunted.

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