Wednesday 29 June 2016

The Little Girl

When I was about nine years old, my mother told me a story of what she saw in the jungle. It was my cousin Alicia's 5th birthday party. My mom's car was blocking another person's car from getting out. So she went to move so that the other person could get out. She tried to start her car, but for some odd reason it would not start. She tried to jump start the car on her own because she was on a small slop. After trying a couple times she went to call one of her nephews to help her push the car.
When she returned to the car with her nephew, she told him to watch out for any kids behind the car before rolling it down. When she finally got the car to start, she looked in her rear view mirror to see if the coast was clear and there was a little girl standing behind the car. She then hit her brakes and honked her horn. Her nephew ran to her to see what she was honking about. She told him that there was a little girl behind the car. He looked around and saw no one. After letting the couple out, she parked in the same area. She got down out of the car and, in the jungle, shines a semi glossy light on the same little girl she saw behind her car. By the time she called my cousin to see what she saw, the girl was gone and out of sight. She went back to the house trying to find that little girl she saw. No one came close to matching the description. When I ask my mom about it she always says she was probably imaging it.

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