Monday 27 June 2016

The Lady In Red

This story happened in December of last year when me and my friends decided to sleep over at their house and watch a variety show. It was then a rainy night when the show ended. One of my friends had a girl over. She was his cousin... His cousin can't sleep over with us (obviously because we are all boys in the group) so then we decided to walk her home.
After we arrived at her place she went forward to the door and said goodnight. The street was quiet and and we were the only ones out. We were so tired and didn't want to walk back so we decided to wait for a tricycle and all of a sudden a lady with a red bag appeared in front of my friend's cousin's house
The lady looked around 45 years old and was wearing all red. As for my friend who lives there (who can see ghosts) he has never seen that lady. The lady looked at us and raised her hands as if she was calling to us. And suddenly we turned back, and we started to freak out. The lady in red disappeared into thin air. A tricycle had past by and we took a ride home. Me and my friends had a headache after that night.
Thanks for reading

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