Tuesday 28 June 2016

Picture Frame

I always believed in ghost. And I wished to see one to experience the thrill that everybody is experiencing once they encounter things like that. I don't believe that I'm the type of person who have the ability to feel and see spirits, like a medium. I don't have a third eye to recognize them. Not until the following encounter:
My first encounter with spirits happened when me and my ex-boyfriend were hanging out together in our house. We were talking about it because he has the third eye. He can see ghost and feel spirits around. We are on the midst of the story when suddenly the picture frame on the wall fall down to the ground. That was funny because nobody pulled it off and it can't be pulled easily without human force. The fan is off and the air outside the house is not enough to do that. I looked in my boyfriend with questions in my eyes. He just bowed his head and told me to stay inside. He went out of the house and then I heard him talking to somebody else. But I didn't see anyone except him. He then went back and told me everything was all right. He already spoke to the person who did it. It was a spirit from their house who followed him. It's apparently a white lady who get jealous of me. He told me that everywhere he goes that spirits are following him and he almost forgot about it when he visited me. He asked me the time my mom and my little brother were coming home. I told him I didn't know, maybe a minute from now. He didn't leave me from that moment until my mom arrived.
An hour later, my mom came home and we bid each other goodbye. After he arrived home I started to feel dizzy and felt coldness wrapping my whole body. My mom advised me to go to bed and she covered me with blanket. One blanket was not enough so she added one more. Still, I felt so cold even though I was wrapped up with two blankets. I then texted my boyfriend and, worried about my condition, he then called up and told me to wear anything that has a cross or God's image on it. Amazed, I grabbed the rosary from the altar and wore it. After 30 minutes I started to feel the heat coming from the wrapped blanket and sweat started to drip off my face. I called up my boyfriend and told him I was starting to feel good already. He then told the shocking truth that I've been touched by the lady when they got off from the house.
After that encounter, I did not wish for my boyfriend to open my third eye. I'm afraid to see more of those and feel that odd feeling again. I'm now contented to watch scary movies and hear ghost stories everywhere. I realized that having the power to see them is not always good after all.

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