Thursday 30 June 2016

Haunted Shopping Centre

My name is Pete. Two years ago I used to work at a shopping centre in the North Eastern suburbs of Adelaide. My job there was a maintenance officer. I've seen 3 apparitions there, 2 were full body and the other was a shadow ghost. I'm still not certain if this was my imagination or real.
I was standing in the workshop trying to locate a can of paint when out of the corner of my eye I saw a pair of black silhouette type legs walk towards me. When I looked up there was nobody there. This did make me feel uneasy as you get a lot of temperature fluctuations here and I quite often felt like I was being watched.
Another experience I was heading back to the centre management office. As I got to the door (which was a white wooden door with opaque glass in the top half) I notice an old lady waiting to be served by our receptionist. I remember seeing her blue rinse color hair and a pink cardigan or jumper through the glass. I remember thinking I'd better be careful when I go in as I don't want to hit her with the door. I eased the door open and looked in a bit to see if I would miss her but she wasn't there. I fully opened the door even looked behind it she had vanished. I said to the receptionist where did the lady in the pink top go? She said what lady. I told her what I'd seen and her response was shut up Pete your scaring me.
This next part happened at the same shopping centre but 2 years prior when I worked there as an air-conditioning service technician. I was checking the BMS for Aircond faults. The BMS is located in the operation manager's office which comes off of the reception area. There were three of us in the room, myself a security guard and maintenance officer. I got up to go into the reception area as my apprentice had come in.
As I walked over to sign him in I noticed a teenage boy standing there. I remember thinking he looked odd he wore a grey school shirt with the big tab collar and shoulder length hair like he was from the 70's. He stood there looking lost. I said hello he just nodded. I turned to see what my apprentice was doing. As I did this the security guard said where did that boy go? He couldn't have walked out the office as we were by the only exterior door which was shut; also my apprentice and the maintenance officer said what boy there was nobody there. Only security and I saw him and both agreed on his appearance.
I hope you enjoyed my experiences. I have lot's more but will leave these for another time.

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