Monday 27 June 2016

The Lady With The Shawl

Location:North Carolina United States
Lately I can not seem to clear up a few of my experiences. About 4 years ago my husband and I were in bed and I woke up to see an African American lady in a long dress holding a shawl. She was at the corner of the end of our bed on my side. I didn't scream or get scared but I saw her very plainly for a few seconds up against our dresser and then she was gone. I happened to be having a recurring dream at the time and wonder if that all goes into play since she wasn't a person in the dream. I never saw her after that either. Also, my husband had just returned from a deployment and I had been alone for 3 months. We were living in an apartment complex in NC.
The next one was about 7 years ago.
My dad had died from Pulmonary Fibrosis and was living in MI while I was in SC with my mom and stepfather. He had been sick for a while and I left MI because it was becoming too hard for me. The home that my stepfather bought was a home belonging to a local doctor that had lived there his whole life and took care of everyone in town. So after I came back from my father's funeral I kept a light on in my room in SC and the door open to the hallway because someone kept caressing my head. I started sleeping at the opposite end of the bed as well. I told it that I was okay and to leave me be thinking it was my dad. However I was also going through some medical worries myself and thought maybe it could have been the past resident? After that I had not been touched but I still feel creeped out in that house.

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