Sunday 26 June 2016


Location:Florida United States
I am so happy to find this site and share some of my experiences, and as well ask a few questions my self. I was reading from one of the subscribers a response from whitebuffalo... And they had told the person asking the question that their grandmother had taught them how to read change and what it possibly meant if they were heads or tails up.
I'm hoping to understand possibly what some quarters popping up in places over the past 5 years could mean. My husband and I were on vacation the week before last and we were trying to figure out where to go for the rest of our vacation and where would be a good place to go. So we were talking about where to go and I walked into the vanity area of our hotel room and on the shelf was a quarter. I said to my husband here is another quarter, did you put it there? He said no.
The thing is quarters don't show up everyday to us but over the past 5 years I would say 3-4 times a year or possibly even more will show up in a place that no one would have put there and not remembered. Anyway, I picked up the quarter in the hotel that day and thought to myself hum, I wonder what year is on it so I looked at the year on the other side and it was the year that person died we were talking about going to visit in the area he was living before the person died. I was surprised whether it be by coincidence or some meaning to this accurate year being on the quarter. The person hadn't died 5 years ago but much longer. This person who died whom I'm speaking about was a distant cousin and there were other cousins that visited that area where my husband and I were talking about going to too visit.
To go back a bit, the issue with 5 years ago and the first quarter showing up is we were sitting in a cafe made to resemble a diner/cafe from the 50's and there was a little player at the booth we were at and it called for a quarter to work it. My husband had said it would be nice to play a song but he didn't have one. He went into his wallet to get a dollar to make change and there was a quarter. He never has change in his wallet. Ever since then, they have shown up every now. Another strange thing is this. For the time we were on our vacation in the area this person had died at during the past week at least 4-5 quarters showed up in that time span. One time one of our girls was waiting outside the movie theater for us to pick her up and a quarter was on the ground in front of her near the bench. Two fell out of my husbands pocket at different times when he reached for his wallet and pulled it out. He says he doesn't keep his change in the pocket his wallet is in. Then once a few days ago, when he went to the store he pulled his wallet out and one fell right out of the wallet onto the counter. Always a quarter... Not anything else.
I even noticed in the car just two days ago change had been put in a complete circle in the cup holder of the car with a penny right in the middle. Granted the cup holder is round but the penny in the middle was odd.
I myself since I was a little girl have had experiences... Some that have scared me... Some that didn't scare me as much. I don't want to make this to long however, now for the readers. So my question at this time is: Could the quarter I found in the hotel room with the year on it have something to do with the person who died that year and as if to say... Come on up here and visit since my husband and I were talking about it anyway going up in that direction. Or Coincidence?
Have a great day!
God Bless!
Your friend,

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