Tuesday 28 June 2016

The Others

It was nearly 7 p.m. when we reached my friend's grandmother's house in the province near our school. We were there to spend the night doing our thesis required to finish our course. There were seven in the group.
The house belonged to Melissa's grandmother. No one was in there aside from a caretaker who left after he handed us the key. We suited ourselves and prepared our dinner. After the meal, we started to do our projects. It was already 2 a.m. when we finished and decided to go to bed.
There were three rooms in the house. We were four girls and three boys, so we took the other room, while the boys took the room on the other side. The other one left was Melissa's grandmother's room.
Before going to bed, Andrea, one of our friends, asked Melissa about the house. She told us that her third eye was open, and she felt something in there. We were frightened of what she said and told her to stop bullying us. But Melissa said that the house was known in the town as being haunted, since no one really stayed there. Her grandmother was staying with her family, since she was too old to be alone in that house.
Suddenly we felt as if someone were watching us. We went to the room and decided to sleep. Around 5 a.m., Andrea woke me; she was chilled and could not control it. She asked us if we could leave already, but it was too early, and we wanted to sleep late. I told her to go back to sleep again.
She said she couldn't, and could I just come with her outside. She just need some air to breathe. I wanted to scream at her, but when I looked at her, she was white, as if she had no blood running in her veins.
I woke up the rest of the girls. Andrea was already freaking out and crying. We went outside, and Melissa gave her some water. She calmed down a little and started to tell us the story that scared us and gave us total chills to the bone.
When we went to bed, we went to sleep fast, since we were all tired, but Andrea could not sleep. She heard noises like footsteps outside the rooms and whispering. She ignored it and went to sleep. It was if there were "other" people in the house, but she still fell asleep.
She awakened at around quarter to four, and what she told us next scared us to death and made our blood run cold. She said that she closed her eyes and tried to get some sleep again, but she still couldn't.
When she opened her eyes, she saw a lady in front of her, looking down at her face! She smiled at her wickedly and said, "You can see us, can't you?" The "other" people then came near around her. That's when she woke me, chilled and crying.
We waited till the sunrise, packed our things and went back to the city. None of the boys knew what had happened. No one would surely believe, so why waste our energy telling them? After all, we were still drained when we reached our dorm.

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