Sunday 26 June 2016

My House

This is my first story here but I am a regular visitor. It just feels so nice to know that many other people also experience strange things and here I would not feel like a fool telling my story.
So here is the story of my house where I still live with my parents. Things have stopped happening now (I am thank full to god).
Let me tell you about my house, it's around 15 to 16 years old and was build by my father only who was then project manager in building government houses. He made this house designed by the architect and believe me it's a lovely house just looks like a palace. There are many store rooms in this house, you can find store room almost with every room, bathroom, kitchen even storerooms hidden up in the upper walls. It is a two floor building.
While it was being constructed we used to live in another city. I was around 5 years old when we started getting news from labors building this house that some entity was trying to stop them in their work. It would just mess their work and slap them when they would go to sleep. Throw things here and there. Well after a year, we shifted to our new home. We were living on the ground floor while the first floor was still under construction. I was very small that time but I was very scared to go to certain parts of the house. I would never ever feel like using the back side bathroom, although it was very big. It is always very cold and had a strange kind of dullness there and gave you the feeling like you were being watched. I still don't go there. Also I never liked the store room built in the upper part of my room. It's like a small room above with a small door. Well the main concern was my dream. Each and every day I would only see one dream. Whenever I went to sleep, I would see bunch of people going round and round and round. Some kind of ritual but the sad part was that I felt the sadness also. I felt like one man was being killed or murdered during this ritual. Like all those people were running over him and moving round and round in a circle. The strange part was that, whenever I started seeing this dream, my eyes would just open and would get fixed to one same point of the wall and would picture those people moving in a round manner.
There are many things that happened in this house, few funny, few sad and few strange. I want to see if my first submission gets accepted or not. I will soon write my other stories attached to this house.
Thanks for reading and yes, one thing more one of the labors who built this house made a really beautiful statue of some person. We don't know who made this but must be one of the labors. I always felt so attracted to it but sadly it is stolen now. It was kept in our garden.

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