Monday 27 June 2016

Spirits Who Kill People

I am Neha from India. If you have read my 1st story "Spirit of My Mother" then you might know my mother visits me occasionally. Because of this I tried to know the 2nd world of spirits. In this story it was my 1st assignment to explore the spirit world.
In Shimla, there is a bungalow, which was established in 1830 by an Englishman. At that time Black Magic was on its full at that place. The Englishman (sorry I forget his name) loved this art and wanted to learn it from a black wizard Pandit Vidyapati Nath (a famous wizard). He started to learn the art and as the time was passing by the Englishman got deep into the magic.
In 1835 his family members started to disappear one by one. No one was able to tell where they are. The police investigated very hard but found good for nothing. After a few months in the same year the police found the dead body of the English man in his study room.
The story of 'what happened inside the house' is like this:
The Englishman learned the art of black magic and now he wanted to do it practically. He learned how to bring back dead people to life. He placed spells on them so that they don't feel anything happening to them, and then he cut out their heart, liver and kidneys while they were alive. They can't scream for help because of the spell of the Englishman.
The Englishman tried to make them live again by using the spell for it. But he failed again and again. He killed all 8 members of his family.
People of that city believe that the spirits of his family members killed him because police was unable to find where his heart and kidneys were.
Till this day the bungalow is haunted by those spirits. They kill everybody who goes inside that bungalow. They appeared to all people who passed that bungalow. Many other people are also found in the same condition as the Englishman was found.
In next story I will tell you good people what happened with our friend's group when we visited there. Till then please tell me how much you like the story. I'm making a documentary film on this subject with my friends so please reply to me. If you want more details you can ask me.
Blessings and love.

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