Monday 27 June 2016

Tyler's Last Moments

Location:Pennslyvania United States
This story isn't anything like my last few, and to be honest it stirs up emotions. I have mentioned that I was dating a girl named Rachel off and on for some time. This story takes place between August 31st 10:00PM and September 1st 5:00AM 2007. I had Just Broken up With Rachel for good, and I was feeling pretty down. I wasn't even excited for my upcoming Birthday (September 14th), not that I usually am. Little did I know that the following day I would be given a real reason to be down.
That night I went to bed early for me, probably around 9:00PM I'm not sure what time I fell asleep, but I was lying awake for some time. I finally fell asleep and in my dreams I saw a man writhing in pain on the floor. At first I could not see who this person was, but gradually as the image began to focus I was seeing familiar traits. Finally when the Picture was completely focused I recognized who the man in front of me was. His Name was Tyler, and he was my cousin, he was 24 at the time, today he would be 27. He appeared to be in great pain and as I watched him he didn't seem to notice me for some time. I reached out to him, and he suddenly became aware of my presence, he looked at me for a moment and then he reached for me as well.
Before our hands came together though, he started convulsing violently; I couldn't seem to get any closer to him although I was trying very hard. He suddenly stopped convulsing, and rolled over onto his back, his eyes had receded into his head, and his mouth was foaming. His image began to blur again, and I realized it was the tears welling up in my eyes. I woke up to the sound of screams, only they were my own screams, and I soon discovered that the tears were real. I looked to the clock and I saw that it was 4:00AM; I wiped the tears from my eyes and attempted to sleep. After about half an hour I realized I wasn't going to sleep, I couldn't stop replaying my dream over and over and over again.
So I got out my dream Journal (Yes I keep a dream Journal, I know, I know, I am the biggest dork ever) and I wrote down my dream. By the end of my passage the page was covered in tears, I kept telling myself, "It was only a dream, and you are being foolish." But I just couldn't shake that feeling, and I didn't sleep the rest of the night.
I got to work at 8:00AM and went on working, still with this horrible image in my head. I hated work that day I just wanted to go home, or call Tyler, but I was too frightened to call him so I ignored my Impulses. I got home around 5:00PM that day, Rachel called me and we fought, she said something terrible to me, along the lines of her wishing me pain or whatever. Not moments after I hung up on her I got another phone call, it was my grandmother. She asked me to sit down and she wouldn't tell me why. My fears began to take hold of me and I was hyperventilating long before I ever sat down.
I was sitting now, and I told my Grandmother I was ready, that's when she broke the news. "Brandon Honey... Tyler... Your Cousin... He died last night" She paused and I let the words sink in; I felt that I already knew this though.
"How?" is all I could manage to say.
"He overdosed, his roommate found him around 7 this morning, the police say he died sometime in the night." Her words hit me like a ton of Lead, I felt like I had been there and hadn't done anything to help.
At the funeral when I saw his body all I could say to him, my aunt, uncle, and cousins, was sorry.
I later told my Grandmother what I had dreamt; I even showed her the passage in my dream journal. She proceeded to tell me that not all apparitions are dead; a dying person can project their image to loved ones, through dreams normally. I wasn't sure if I believed her, but I researched it, and it was confirmed.
I miss you Tyler and I love you.

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