Wednesday 29 June 2016

Haunted Home

Location:Ohio United States
I have many paranormal experiences I could tell, but the one that stands out the most for me happened a long time ago when I was still a child. I grew up next to a home that had a violent past. The first owners were killed by an escaped convict and their youngest son was beheaded and his head was never found. Supposedly it was tossed into a gravel pit that was nearby at the time. The next couple to purchase the home split up and the wife along with her months old baby jumped from the upstairs window and fell to their deaths. Well, you get the picture.
Due to a snow storm that had fallen on our town, my mother and father not being able to get home to me and my brother, we had the misfortune of having to stay with our neighbors for the night. Needless to say my brother and I were scared to begin with because we all knew of the happenings in this house. At first nothing seem out of the ordinary, but as the night worn on strange things began to happen. The first thing to take place was while we were all sitting in the living room watching TV, we could hear someone in the kitchen doing the dishes. There was no one else in the house and there were no dishes in the sink to be done. So we all went back into the living room, then we heard glass breaking in the bathroom. This caused everyone to jump and run to see what had broken and how. There was no broken glass anywhere and everything seemed okay. Things settled down for a while, I thought if that is the worst that was going to happen then I am going to be okay. Boy was I wrong. I was laying on my neighbor's couch, just about to fall asleep, when a rocking chair began rocking all by itself and and I heard the faint sound of a baby crying. As if this wasn't scary enough, I soon heard footsteps coming down the stairs and a little boys voice calling "Mommy". Scared as I was, I went to the stairs to see if someone was just playing with me. I knew it wasn't my brother because he was already asleep. There was no one there. I ran and put my head under the covers and didn't come out until morning.
I spoke with my neighbors and asked them how they could stay in a house like that, and they said that they were just use to it and they didn't pay that much attention to it any more.

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