Saturday 25 June 2016

Dead Man Coming Back Home

Location:South Africa
My husband's brother and his wife has recently moved into a new place. We went to visit them on Tuesday and had a good time not realizing that anything was wrong. Yesterday while my sister-in-law and I were talking, she told me what they have been going through in their house! I was totally freaked out and told her they should move out!
She said for the past 3 weeks they have been haunted by the previous tenant of their house. As they investigated, the landlord told them that he actually died in a car accident last month. They have a 5 month old baby who lives with her mom but has come to visit them. The baby doesn't sleep at night. As soon as he falls asleep, he wakes up screaming like somebody has just pinched him. This has been happening now for 2 weeks.
This "ghost" apparently pulls out the plugs when the TV is on during the day. If anyone takes a shower, he switches off the bathroom lights and switches them back on when the person gets out of the shower. If any dishes are left in the kitchen sink, he washes them in the middle of the night. They literally hear water running and when they go and investigate they find either plates or glasses inside the sink, wet or even sometimes soapy!
They always have that uncomfortable feeling like someone is walking around the house!
In African culture, when a family member dies, they are "fetched" from the place where they passed on and taken to their final resting place. This fetching is done by either the parents of the deceased or other elders in the family. The spirit of the person is told that they have passed on and that they have a new home. A photograph or something familiar to the deceased is used, and once he/she has been explained to, the item is then covered with a cloth and taken to the grave and there only is it opened to release the spirit to its new home. It is our belief and custom and has been practiced for centuries.
Now in the case of this poor guy, his family have unfortunately taken on too much of the western culture and have apparently refused to do this in order to put their son to rest.
I just found it so sad that people could be so heartless as to know that their son's spirit is not rested and refuse to do their part to assist it.
I was told that hanging a horseshoe in the house acts as some sort of a barrier, not permitting ghosts entry into your house. I don't know how true this is but I have just purchased one for my sister-in-law today and I am hoping that they can have a good nights rest they haven't had in 3 weeks! I would love to hear everyone's comments on this!

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