Wednesday 29 June 2016

TV Gone Crazy

Location:United Arab Emirates
About a month ago, my husband, daughter and I decided to spend a week at my mother's as it's closer to our workplace. We had an ongoing project and were putting in late hours, so it was easier to crash at mom's place after a tiring day. On one such night, we came home at 11:00pm, sat talking for a bit and had our dinner. My daughter and husband slept quickly.
My favorite show was on and I decided that I'd sleep after watching it, when suddenly, the pop up menu for the color and contrast adjustments opened and the color adjustment button went from 1-100 and vice versa, repeatedly. My tv just went static. I just stared at the tv, not knowing what was going on . I figured, since the cables of the tv in the hall and my parent's room were connected, they must be making adjustments. Nevertheless, I got up and headed for their room just to be sure. They were asleep. In fact, sound asleep, and the tv was not on. I headed hurriedly back to the hall but the pop up had disappeared. Disturbed, I settled to watch the show again, when the pop up came on again. Ahh I thought, maybe I was sitting on the remote, lifted my behind, but no remote. I remembered that I had placed it over the tv, so that my daughter could not reach it. So what was happening on my tv screen? Ghosts? Very calmly and in a stern voice, I said , whoever you are, please leave as you are scaring me. In a second, the pop up disappeared and my show was back on. I can't explain this... can anyone?

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