Monday 27 June 2016

The Mysterious White House


I live in a small town in Limburg, the Netherlands. In this town there's this house, and every time I came past it I was just drawn to it. The house has been empty for as long as I can remember and it wasn't in the best state anymore. I never understood why, because it would be a beautiful house if you put a little effort into it.
I tried looking through the windows sometimes what gave me the idea that something terrible must have happened there. You could see the stairs through the front door, and all the steps were collapsed in the middle. The wallpaper in every room was ripped from the walls and so were the curtains. That was what I could see from the front of the house.
Then one day I and my best friend decided to check out the rest of the house. We walked to the right side of the house (it's partially attached to another house) and there were some sort of garages or work rooms. Although the only tools that appeared to be in there were an axe, a scythe and a wheelbarrow. We searched for a door that we could open so we could get inside. None of the doors opened, but behind the house was this little building where the doors were taken out so you could walk right in.
Inside the house we couldn't believe what we saw, it was fall and in that time of year there are spiders and insects everywhere. Inside the house we couldn't find any! It's like they were scared away from it for some reason. There were also weird stains on the walls. It could have been blood, but it could also be coffee or just old water stains. It's hard to tell when you're about 15 years old and definitely not an expert in that area.
We came into the backyard and there was a white plastic table whit similar chairs standing against it. The chairs were tilted so they were standing on 2 of 4 legs, but since the house has been empty for at least 15 years it wasn't possible that the chairs were still standing. With some of the storms we had around that time the chairs should be lying around on the floor. There was also a rack for wine bottles, with still about 10 bottles inside.
We continued into the house, still no insects or spiders were found, not even a spider's web. Some of the sockets were completely burned, but around it there was no trace of a fire. Though there were also these weird stains. The next thing we noticed was that the rooms that didn't have windows were a lot brighter then the ones that did have windows. It should be the other way around, how can it be lighter when there is no source for light?
We decided not to go upstairs or downstairs, because we didn't bring a flashlight. The entrance of the basement looked very dark so without a flashlight there was no point to go there. The stairs of the basement looked the same as the ones that went upstairs as far as we could see. I could be really dangerous to walk those stairs and we didn't want to get stuck inside. We got a really eerie feeling when we stood in the basement entrance. It felt like something really didn't want us there so we decided to leave the house immediately.
After that I felt as though I was being watched for the rest of the day and even a few days afterwards. We wanted to go back again, but this time a little more prepared. Unfortunately, after we came back from a school camp the next week, the house was torn down. At least most of it, the basement was still there and one of the very dark rooms with a window.
This all happened about four years ago, and up to this day the dark room is still there. They have filled up the basement and placed white gravel on the ground. There are some chairs placed randomly onto the gravel and there's a fence with a gate. But since the gates are never opened I wonder why they placed those chairs.
I don't know for sure if this qualifies as a ghost story, but it really felt as though we weren't alone there. Like there was this history that still needed to be figured out...

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