Tuesday 28 June 2016

Our Last House

Location:United Kingdom
My boyfriend (now my husband) and I moved into our first house together 6 years ago. It was a normal, unremarkable, small semi detached in a cul-de-sac and was about 10 years old. We started to notice that the house was quite "noisy" soon after we moved in (a huge bang in the loft awoke us on the first night) and we jokingly named the "Ghost" Godfrey Parks, after one of Derek Acorah's possessions on Most Haunted. As time went on a few strange things started to happen.
I had a blue topaz ring that I was very fond of, and each night before I went to sleep, I would remove it and place it on the nightstand next to my bed. One morning, I was dressing for work and found my ring was not in its usual location. I quickly looked around for it- under the bed, behind the nightstand etc, but could not find it.
Three weeks passed without me finding my ring. One night, I was running a bath and decided to have a proper and thorough look for the ring. I removed everything from the nightstand, searched under the bed again, checked all of the shelves and drawers, but still couldn't find it. At this point I was quite upset as it held some sentimental value for me and I sighed "well that's it, it's lost" and I went for a bath. Half an hour later I came back into the bedroom, drying myself off. I sat on the bed and glanced at my nightstand AND THERE WAS MY RING! In the EXACT same place as I'd always leave it each night. I was so shocked I actually let out a small scream.
My boyfriend at first thought I'd just made a mistake and picked it up and put it down by accident, not remembering, and was quite skeptical about anything paranormal going on. Yet, a few weeks later, the same thing happened with a pair of tweezers which disappeared and reappeared weeks later in their original place. Then with my necklace, a pair of scissors, and his work keys...! He was convinced!
Other things happened in this house and I'll share in further stories.

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