Tuesday 28 June 2016

My Aunt

Location:South Carolina United States
About 5 years ago my aunt moved in with me and my family because she was really sick and her kids lived out of state. I was always real close with my aunt and looked forward to her living with us. I was closer to her than I was with my mom.
Anyway, she stayed with us for about 5 months, then decided to move out west so she could be closer to her kids. After about 2 months of her moving out west, her daughter called me and told me my aunt was in the hospital and the doctors didn't think she was going to make it. I was upset, but I was also thankful that I had a chance to become even more close to her in the 5 months that she stayed with us. A week later I was laying on the couch half awake and half asleep when I had a dream that my aunt was skipping down my driveway telling me good bye and that she would be back. She was real adamant about the fact that she'd be back. She climbed into her SUV and drove off. Just as she was driving off in my dream, the phone rang and woke me up. It was my mother telling me my aunt just died. I knew that's what she was going to say even before she got the words out.
What was weird about the dream is my aunt looked healthy. She actually had some weight on. She was always skin and bones because she was so sick and the fact that she was skipping. My aunt could barely walk let alone skip. Plus she didn't own a car because she was always too weak to drive. I like to believe she came to tell me good bye in my dreams, but as far as her coming back, I kind of wish she would. I say I 'kind of' wish she would because I've never seen a ghost and know for a fact that I would go insane if I did.
Well, I'm curious as to what everyone thinks and if anyone agrees that she came to me in my sleep to tell me good bye. Thanks!

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