Sunday 26 June 2016

Crying Teddy Bear

Since I was about 14 until 16 (I'm 24 now), I slept with this teddy bear almost every night because I could always feel the presence of ghosts in my room so it made me feel a little less alone and a little less afraid. It might sound childish but loads of things happened that scared me, such as seeing a shadow rise from the floor, being strangled by a ghost, hearing pig sounds, etc. On a nightly basis it would just be footsteps or a presence though (by the way has anyone heard a very faint electrical sound, or a sound like someone walking on carpet even if there's no carpet there, when you feel a presence?)
I think that because of this stress, I became so attached to my teddy bear so I poured my energy into it; I felt like I just wanted to hide inside the bear. My best friend at the time who could also communicate with spirits (but was really creepy) picked up my teddy bear one day and I knew he could feel something from it. That night like always I fell asleep holding it. But I woke up in the middle of the night to feel something wet against my face. My teddy bear was wet! I figured I'd been crying in my sleep, but I touched my eyes and they were totally dry. I touched around different parts of the bear to see where it was coming from, and only under the eyes were wet! Needless to say that was the last night I slept with a teddy bear!
On another note I was in an antique shop a few weeks ago and although most of the merchandise is really expensive, I saw a traditional Japanese doll (its kneeling down wearing a hat and kimono) for $15. It's 50 years old and is traditionally given to celebrate the birth of a baby girl. The doll could easily be called scary-looking but it has a good "aura" if you will. I have really come to believe that dolls are vessels for our emotions and thoughts, which sometimes come to life.
I wondered though, if we can influence dolls like this what about people? I wonder if people can be possessed by the emotions of the living and dead?

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