Thursday 30 June 2016

The Danger House

Location:Ohio United States
I was about five or six (maybe even younger) when this all happened to me and it was ten years ago. I'm just wandering if anyone knows what kind of ghost (or even demon) this thing was.
The story is kind of foggy to me. Because my mother has retold me all that happened (I have a horrible memory, and it doesn't help that I was young back then).
We lived in an older house. At least fifty years old. It started out with the usual haunting stuff, keys and mail moving around. My mother would set it on the coffee table in the living room and they would end up in the kitchen or bathroom for some reason. That was only for the first week or so that happened. When we were still getting the house ready for us to move into. Then all the really freaky stuff started happening with the biggest thing that they told me happened.
When we first started actually living in it my bed hadn't been set up yet so I was sleeping in the family room on the couch. My mother and stepfather heard me scream. I usually did it because of nerves and such (my mother being recently divorced and getting remarried only a few months later). They just looked up to see if I was okay. Seeing a figure next to me. They laid back down for a second then actually realized there was SOMETHING next to me. They raced up flew to grab me. When they seen me I was sleeping peacefully as if nothing happened. When they put me in bed with them and laid down again they both said the same thing "Did you see that?". According to my mother. It looked just like the creature that was in the Jeepers Creepers movies (keep in mind that this is a couple of years before it came out).
After that I can only remember a couple of main things that happened. My stepfather got punched in the nose (woke up with a broken nose and blood everywhere) my mother was asleep in my bed with me because I was having problems with staying in bed (there was a face in my second story room bedroom). My mother would get woken up about ten minutes before her alarm went off. Them saying her name "Becky get up!". And then one of my experiences. I woke up on the wall at the head of my bed. Literally on the wall. But as soon as I woke up and started moving I rushed to my mother and telling her. Something that happened to us a couple of times is that each one of us were pushed down the wraparound staircase that led to my room. Not slipping or anything. Very distinctively pushed.
Then when we finally got fed up with the happenings and we were moving out. We found an old furby in the attic that supposedly didn't work. Didn't have batteries in it either. And it said specifically "Ooooh. Ghosts, I'm scared".
And so. That is my story. I haven't had any encounters after that.
If anyone knows what it was. Please tell us. We're just curious over it.

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