Monday 27 June 2016

Ghost Couple On The Clearing Field

The story happened about 20 years ago. I was working at Namakkal, interior part of Tamilnadu, India. At the time of the incident I came down to Villupuram by bus, public transport, on my way to Injamkuppam, a village about 30 kilometres from Villupuram. I did not know the route or the distance at that point of time. While I was working at Namakkal, I received a telephone from my house stating that my uncle in Injamkuppam has passed away and that I was to go and attend the funeral.
I started from Namakkal and reached Villupuram at around 11.30p.m. On that night. It was summer and the sky was clear. I enquired about the bus to Injamkuppam and I was told that there is no night service to that particular village and that the last bus has left Villpuram around 10.00p.m. I asked one or two persons, who were standing in the bus stand about the route to Injamkuppam and could not get any further information. I came out of the bus stand and asked about how to reach Injamkuppam by catching a lorry or any other mode of transport. Nobody could give any correct way of getting to that village. Then, one of the shopkeepers told me that this Injamkuppam is about calling distance (koopidu dhuram in Tamil) from Villupuram and advised me to go to the cross-roads from where I could hitchhike to the village. I honestly thought that if it is calling distance, it would be at the most about 2-3 kilometers and went to the main road. I asked for the direction and started walking.
I had walked for about an hour and there was no sign of any village in the vicinity. I was all alone in the road in pitch dark and now and then a lorry would pass by. I tried to get lift but my luck was against me. There were fields on either side. I was getting tired and thirsty. I started looking out for a hut in the fields where I could sit and if possible, drink some water. Generally, in villages, there will be a hut in the fields. But, in the place where I was walking, I came to realize that I was the only one person in the entire area spreading in all direction. At that point of time, I began to feel some unknown fear gripping me. I turned around me and saw there was nobody on any direction within my eyesight. My walk started slowing down due to fear and tiredness. The time would have been well past midnight.
Suddenly, I saw a clearing in the field and there was an aged couple sleeping. I started walking towards them. There was a pot in the clearing with a glass mounted over it. I reached the clearing in the field and started walking in the direction where the elderly couple was sleeping. The old man got up probably due to the noise made owing to my walking towards them. I judged that he would have been well past 85 years but he was looking hale and healthy. The lady also woke up from her slumber and sat on the mat. The old man was eyeing me questioningly. I told him that I need some water and requested whether I could sit and take rest for a few minutes. There was a small wooden stool where I sat down. The old man gave me water and I drank the water. The couple did not speak and I told them that I got down at Villpuram and enquired about the village Injamkuppam and started walking towards the village. The old man started laughing and said in a somewhat weird voice, "Will you reach without my help. Don't walk to the village. Take a vehicle. Don't go walking and take my advice, otherwise you will be in trouble." The voice was stern and to some extent frightening. I gazed at them for a few seconds. I was shocked and looked down at the ground and closed my eyes for a few seconds thinking about the advice given by the old man. Then it happened. When I opened my eyes, there was nobody in the clearing. There was no sign of anybody to have been there. There was no pot. The clearing was looking as if uninhabited. At first, I could not realize that it could have been true. It was not a dream because I did not sleep and at that time and I still had the sensation of having drunk water. I instinctively got up and started running away. I would have definitely run for about 10-15 minutes. Then I saw lights coming from my behind. I stopped and saw that it was tractor carrying sugarcanes to factory. I begged and stopped them and asked for a lift to Injambakkam.
I sat near the driver and started explaining to him what had happened. He told me that Injamkuppam is about 34 kilometers away from Villupuram and that he told me that especially place where I saw the clearing was called Kuppam and that many people have seen ghost activities. He told me that I was very lucky not have been harmed by the ghosts.
When I write this narration, I still feel the fear even after such a long period of time and that had happened so far away.
I still do not know why the couple had appeared, why they offered me water and why they asked not to walk and take a lift in the vehicle. I feel that they are benign ghosts. But the experience was shocking and still sends chillness in my spine.

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