Monday 27 June 2016

The Messenger

Location;Florida United States
Like I said before I had experiences with many ghost or spiritual encounters in my life. And this was when I had just turn 15. I used to leave in a big 4 rooms house with a big back yard, a living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry room and a big creepy attic (I hate attics).
When we moved in the house I never noticed nothing unusual. My little sister and me always shared the same room because we used the extra room for storage. But one night at 2:30am actually I was in my room trying to go to sleep and my little sister was already sleeping but I couldn't fall asleep I still don't know why...
I was tossing and turning on my bed and when I faced the wall next to my bed I felt a cold chill on my spine, you know when you get goosebumps... I felt like someone was watching me, so I turned slowly to see what was going on.
And when I fully turned... He was there, a young man about 17 to 19 years old he was wearing this long black coat with a black shirt and black pants, he was very pale, he had big brown eyes brown hair with a low haircut. He was just there staring at me but he had a smirk on his face and a yellowish with orange background. He was wearing a long silver chain with a cross on...
I was is shocked I couldn't move, I couldn't talk I was just there looking at him and when I finally had the strength to move, I sat up from the bed and he walked back and disappeared...
I got up from the bed, I went to the bathroom and washed my face, I went back to bed and try to fall asleep. The next morning I told my mom what had just happen the night before. I told her that something might had happened in that house and that we should move out.
Well 2 months after we moved out of that house and just a week after we moved out, the house got on fire. But I still don't know how because the neighbors said that there was nobody staying at the house...

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