Saturday 25 June 2016

Haunted Beverly Mansion

Location:Mary Land United States
I've always heard that Beverly Mansion was haunted, but I never actually believed it until I saw it... One night me and my friends decided to take a trip there, and wow, were we in for a big scare. It was just the four of us, going up to this vacant mansion in the middle of no where... But it had fresh stones in the driveway, and no keep out signs.
We parked the truck and hopped out, as we started walking up the drive way to this old fence, we could hear barking. And it sounded as if dogs were behind us. And I must reminds you, no one lives here. We all got scared and decided to go back but we saw truck lights coming up the long drive. We all jumped in the weeds, but one of my idiot friends jumped back out. The truck stopped and it was a tiny old man, pale as a ghost, and said "what yee doing around here?" we told him that our truck broke down, he asked if we needed help, but we said "No we had it taken care of..." Then he said kindly have a good night and pulled away.
Now, here's where it gets weird, One of my friends said "Hey, you can see our foot prints in the stones... But how come there's no tire prints from the truck? We all looked back and noticed the truck was long gone, and that there was nowhere for it to turn off... We didn't say another word and just took off running for the truck... Now tell me... Was that guy real... Or a ghost?

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