Wednesday 29 June 2016

Ghost by the Highway

Location:Georgia United States
I was once driving back home from a long trip. I was driving from Texas going back to Georgia. It was about 2:30 AM EST and I finally made it back to the state of Georgia. As I first entered Highway 96 in Georgia doing about 55 miles per hour I noticed a glare on the left side of the road about half a mile up. As I got closer to the glare it appeared more misty then finally clear. The object was in the form of a woman mid-aged but it had no legs. It appeared to have full body but stopped at the legs. The object did not appear to notice me pass by. Again, I was doing about 55 miles per hour so it was a quick glipse but I know I saw it. I even looked in my rear view mirror to confirm the object, and yes, it was the real deal. No I was not sleepy at the time. No I do not do drugs and No I do not drink and drive. This experience was 100% real. If you ever get the chance drive on Highway 96 EAST in GA and see what you find.

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