Saturday 25 June 2016

Little Girl

I had just moved into a new house on the border on new south wales. My father always wanted to live on a farm, so we brought a little crappy house and a big land. When my family and I went to look at the house, I felt a cold sensation on my body. I thought never the less, and kept my thoughts to myself.
It was finally the day and we moved in. My bedroom was on the very top floor with a tiny little window. After packing all day I was very tired and fell asleep on my mattress. I woke up with doors slamming, my hair getting played with and lights flickering. What could this be? A spirit? Father always said that there are no such things as monsters, boogie men, spirits... Maybe he was wrong? Nothing happened for the past week.
On the Saturday night, Mum and Dad went out for dinner by themselves so I was left alone in the house. (I would of called a friend but I had just moved so I didn't know anyone.) So I decided to watch some TV. I could hear the weirdest noise on the drive way. Our drive way was very long so I took a torch with me. It almost sounded like a girl being hurt, but I wasn't quite sure. I went down the drive way to see if everything was okay, and I felt a body next to me. I looked around by no one was in site. I decided not to let it bother me. And still to this day, a little female spirit plays with my hair & plays around with the switches.

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