Tuesday 28 June 2016

The Family Experience

Location:California United States
Hi, my name is Ruby, I am 25 years old and I live in Los Angeles, CA. To tell you the truth, I am completely fascinated with the idea of the afterlife, I've spent time searching on the net, and reading books, to find true stories, some of which I can correlate, and to learn more about the whole existence of the paranormal. I do not doubt at all that it is true, throughout the course of my life I've experienced some paranormal activity, although some were very ephemeral, but it was there, I guess it would be silly of me to say it was tangible, anyway I'd like to share my most incredible experience with you.
About 2 years ago I had taken over my step-mother's daytime job, the agreement was to watch over a sweet elderly woman, named Margie, for about 1 month, so I did, the job description was that I had to stay and live there throughout the course of my employment, so I agreed, besides, the Baca's were incredibly benign individuals.
At first it was great, I fell in love with Margie, she had a funny character, she also had senile dementia, but she was great none-the-less, every morning I'd wake her up and take her to the restroom, and on our way there she'd stop and say "look!" and she'd point straight ahead at what I saw was nothing, and I'd just smile and continue my task, that was about as weird as it got while with Margie, but late at night...
8pm was the end of my day with Margie, I'd retire to my room, which was the back room of the house, near Margie's room, a rather nice room but also the coldest room in the house. The first week was smooth, no signs of nothing, but by the second week I had experienced the unusual, I had brought my portable DVD player with me and one night I decided to watch my John Lennon documentary. I had fallen asleep watching it and I remember sneezing, about 4 seconds after that I heard a distinct "BLESS YOU", I got up so fast and frightened, I rewinded the DVD making sure that perhaps the documentary had somehow mentioned those words, but there was no "BLESS YOU" mentioned, I got up and opened my door to look out the hallway, but everyone was asleep and everything was quiet and dark, I was completely perplexed. The voice I heard was of a man, the next morning I ran the whole DVD again and no BLESS YOU'S, so I decided to leave it as that.
Another night I was in my room and I was about to start grooming my eyebrows but I was interrupted by a phone call, so I put my tweezers down on the bed, I later returned to find them gone, I started looking all over for them, under the bed, by the closet near-by, I even took every piece of bed garment off and shook it, I looked everywhere, 10 minutes later and a look of mass confusion on my face, I decided to go ask Paul (my boss) if he had borrowed them, he said no, so I went back to my room and I'll never forget the feeling I had in my heart, they where right in the middle of my scavenged bed, I was in shock not to mention slightly scared. I looked all around me and I remember my heart beating so profusely, I found it hard to sleep that night.
And finally on the last week of my stay I had awaken at 7am as usual, I began to make my bed, it was a queen size bed and it had 3 layers of sheet work, so I proceeded, when I came to the second layer I extended the sheet and laid it flat tucking in the right side. Now take in mind that this bed is a queen size so I have to walk over to tuck in the left, so as I finished tucking in my right side I walked over to do my left and to my surprise it was already neatly tucked in! I freaked out! Once again I stand alone looking all around me and I say "THANK YOU, CAN I HELP YOU WITH SOMETHING?", but the room echoed in silence. I couldn't hold it in any longer, I decided to confront my boss Mr Baca, which is Margie's oldest son. He confessed that prior to his purchasing the house, two lesbians owned it, and when he spoke with them, they warned him that the house holds spirits but they are benign spirits and that they like to play tricks on people. Paul bought it none the less, he lived in that house for like 20-30 years with his wife and 3 children.
Later down the years, his wife passed away sometime in '99, he believes that she roams the house, helping and cleaning as she always had, and the room that I had was their two older son's room, so she spends a lot of time in there. I felt at ease when he told me that, and pleased to have ever graced her presence.
I have always felt that I could deal with the dead, that I would try to help and understand them, this experience has proved to me that I do attract spirits and I am more than willing to help, I've had many more experiences but I will share those another time.
I hope you've enjoyed my story and if any of you experience similar activity, don't be frightened, I think your energy frightens them more than they already are, so try to hold this sense of comfort and don't be afraid to speak to them.

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