Wednesday 1 June 2016

My Aunt

My name is anna and my grandma and aunt have had some ghostly experiences with our dead aunt, so I figure that these stories might be worth telling. My aunt died about maybe 6 or 7 years ago. My grandma was up really late one night cleaning up and doing bills. She heard a knock at the door, she thought it was her imagination so she ignored it. She heard it again so she went to open the door but no one was there. So she closed the door and went about her business.
Later that night, she was laying down in her bed when she had a ghostly vision or dream like vision of who was at the door. She had opened the door and saw that it was my aunt, then she opened her eyes really quick due to her shock.
My other aunt was at her house, she had not been feeling so well so she took a bit of a nap. She woke up a few hours later and found herself thirsty so she went to the kitchen. She was walking into the hallway when she saw a ghostly glow pass by the hall door, then it passed again but this time she saw it more clearly, it was a white glowing dress and it was the same as my other aunt's dress that she was in when she was buried.
Those are my stories, I am not sure if they are the best but I just really wanted to write these stories. Could my aunt be trying to say something to us? I hope someone has an answer, well until next time, see ya.

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