Wednesday 1 June 2016

An Ominous Presence in my Room

From a very young age up to now, if I was home alone, I felt a very depressive and hateful presence in my room and it follows me around the house sometimes. My 14 year old sister won't even go into my room alone. One of my friends came over to my house to watch scary movies one night as it was samhain, but seeing as it's not a holiday in Australia, we just celebrated with some horror and thriller flicks. For the entire night, we don't know why, but we felt like someone was standing at my bedroom doorway and just looking at us. And we felt it moved in the lounge room where we were and we could follow the presence around with our eyes but yet we couldn't see it.
It wasn't just any ordinary presence, it had a very ominous feeling with it (where you feel like there is pressure on your chest). I had one encounter when I was 5 years old where this very deep male voice said to me at precisely 3am "I'm coming to get you" and naturally I was scared out of my wits!
I'm not sure but I think this may be the same presence that has followed me around for years. It hangs around just near my wardrobe and moves around at stands near the end of my bed and up near my head during the night. I am quite unsure as what to do, I do not communicate with this presence as I am not sure as what it may be capable to do.
Any suggestions?

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