Saturday 25 June 2016

Emily's Bridge

Location:Vermont United States
My name is Nathalie. A few of us went to Emily's bridge Saturday night around 1200 am. We had digital cameras and a cell phone. We walked toward the bridge and my friend freaked out. We began taking pictures of the bridge and around it. I then started using the cell phone to get some EVP, and we did get some there.
When we got home, we checked the pictures, and we had a lot of orbs. Some of them had none, but a lot had them.
I was standing on the bridge getting my picture. When we looked at them, there was a glowing white orb right next to me. It looked like someone standing right behind me.
Then my Aunt accidentally called my friend Emily's name. When we watched the video, we heard "Get off my bridge". It was no one's voice that was with us. The EVP we got: when I asked if she had died there, I got a "Yes" and "Get off my bridge", a woman talking. And a woman's laughing.
In some pictures there were faces. When we were taking the EVP, I mentioned that if some one was there, please touch me and my cousin. At that time, in the pictures that were taken, there was some one following us. But just to the end of the bridge. We did see figures crouching down by the wall. ALL THIS HAPPENED.
When we go back we are going to bring a lot of batteries, because they drain quick.

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