Wednesday 22 June 2016

It Came as a Familiar

Location: North Carolina United States
This experience happened to me back in the early nineties. I had been dating a girl that had at one time been involved in witchcraft and at the time I was living alone in an apartment. The apartment had hard wood floors throughout so you could definitely hear if someone else was walking in another room. I always had an eerie feeling like I was being watched but would dismiss it as much as possible.
One night I went to bed as usual having set my alarm clock for 6 am in order to get up for work. The alarm clock was facing the bed so I could see it at all times. A noise brought me out of a deep sleep and into a semiconscious state, enough for me to see the clock and know what time it was. It was exactly 1:01. And I remember thinking great! I have 5 more hours to sleep! I always sleep on my side in the fetal position and on this occasion my left hand was hanging off the bed.
At that instant I hear foot steps coming through the house sounding like my girlfriend's boots she always wore, getting closer and closer. Then whatever it was started speaking to me in her voice! Trying to convince me that it was her! I remember trying to move but I was completely paralyzed and could not. I spoke back saying "NO YOUR NOT!" It kept on until it finally reached my bed speaking sweetly in her voice. My bedroom door was closed so it had came right through it. I could still see the clock, keep in mind, but I could not see my uninvited guest. There was a brief moment of silence.
Then I started feeling the bed move behind me. And I said one more time, "YOU'RE NOT KELLY!" At that instant I felt hot breath on my ear and the voice changed from her voice into a man's and said "how did you know"? That's when I finally snapped out of it and jumped out bed nearly pissing myself and ran over to the light switch and turned it on. Along with every other one in house! There wasn't anything there. It had came and gone in a minute but what had seemed an eternity.
Like I said, the whole time I was desperately trying to move but was frozen in terror. Some people would simply say that it was just a dream. But I'm here to tell you that it was definitely NOT. Needless to say, shortly thereafter I stopped seeing her.
A few years later I had another experience that I will share at another time.
Source: Yourghoststories

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