Wednesday 1 June 2016

She Never Left Me

Growing up, I had always been religious and there was no doubt in my mind about Heaven and Hell, demons and angels, and God and the Devil. On the other hand, I was extremely skeptical about spirits, ghosts, and paranormal activity in general. I just couldn't imagine that after people left us here on earth that they could come back to us at times. This belief was about to be seriously tested.
One day my mother informed me that a psychic medium would be at my aunt's house and asked if I would like to go seeing as the year before I had lost my grandfather and great-grandmother just months apart. I figured I would go, but I had reservations because I had heard of a lot of scams involving psychic mediums. This one was different.
He refused to hear anything about our loved ones or who we wanted to contact and we were not permitted to say more than yes or no. We began the session and I waited and waited for someone to show up and just when I was giving up, he said my great grandmother appeared behind me. His physical description of her was perfect, same with her personality and health. He pinpointed the reason she died and certain personality traits were right on the money.
Some things he told me just didn't add up though. I wrote everything he told me down and showed my parents when I got home. The things that didn't add up? They were all TRUE. It just so happened that I didn't know about those things in her life, so how could he have known? Although I did not get to personally see my grandmother as an actual apparition, my belief in spirits is completely solid. Just knowing that she is there is enough. Hopefully one day I will actually witness the woman who practically raised me.
I feel so comforted to know that my grandmother really is still with me no matter where I go or what I do.

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