Saturday 25 June 2016

The Car With The Ghost

Location:Florida United States
I know this is not very scary and not very long but I wanted to share this story with someone. Hope you enjoy it.
It was on a weekend day and it was the evening, about dark. Me, my dad, and my sister were about to go on a bike ride. Them two were inside the house for whatever reason and I was sitting on my bike in the middle of my empty driveway. I was just sitting down, relaxing, and enjoying looking at the nature when all of a sudden something drew my attention across the street.
I looked at the window from the house across the street. There was a car parked in the driveway (and a very nice car!), and I was looking at the main big window in the direct middle area of the house. I looked and I saw the reflection of a ghostly white figure just appear when I looked and it walked to the drivers door and got in like any regular person. It seemed to be the figure of a man.
There was absolutely no one outside and it was mysteriously quiet. I just stared at it the whole time. I seemed to be mesmerized. Funny part was that I was not scared the whole time and continued to stay outside. That was the only supernatural thing that has ever happened to me.
I am very interested in the supernatural and would like to learn more about it.

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