Friday 24 June 2016

A Haunted House Story

Location:California United States
As a young girl, we moved around quite a bit. Eventually, we moved away from the tropics, and headed to California. When we first moved to the United States, from the Canal Zone-it was strange to see how close together the homes were built.
We moved into a new development called Santee lakes, and the new homes were surrounded by older neighborhoods. I loved the house in our neighborhood, as we overlooked a huge canyon. At night time, we would sit outside and stare into the blackness. Being that there were no lights to block out the stars in the night sky, we saw every single falling star. It felt magical sitting there under a star filled sky.
It happened when I was 6 years old. The apparition came at me in the dark of the night. My Parents hadn't come outside yet, and Mother was cleaning up the kitchen after dinner. Dad was overseeing my brother and sisters, and I had sneaked outside. It always felt better to be outside, I don't know why, it just did. A big family has lots of chaos, and mine was big and loud. Dad was always singing, and somebody was always calling out. It never seemed to be quiet in my home.
Sitting outside, I was relieved no one had noticed I was missing. It felt so nice to be the dark, in the solitude, even if it was just for a few minutes. I wandered over to the edge of our yard, and I looked down into the vast valley. There were always things moving around down there, but I always assumed it was animals. There were rabbits and squirrels around, and lots of birds.
I saw the face floating above a grove of small trees. The trees were around a quarter mile below, and I thought it was an owl, at first. It floated toward me, and I could see the beginnings of a neck, an arm, and hips. The Ghost was dressed in a flowing, pale blue gown. I saw that she had a cotton hat with lace around the edges. It tied into a bow under her chin.
As the apparition grew closer, I saw she was a little girl. Maybe a bit older than myself. She smiled at me as she floated right past. I remember being frozen to the spot. She went into my house, and was gone from sight in a minute. I waited for a minute or two, but she didn't come back. Running into the house, I looked for her. Normal stuff was still going on, and no one had seen her, I guessed. I didn't say a word to anyone, but my Dad asked me who I was looking for. I didn't answer him as I pulled open closet doors, and ran through all the bedrooms.
When I was convinced she wasn't hiding, I gave up my search. Everybody started to go outside, and I was the last one out the door. I was determined to find the girl. She didn't reappear until my bedtime. I saw her playing with some of my toys on the floor. I sat up in bed, and she faded away. We only lived in this house for a couple years, but the ghost showed herself to me at least once a week. She traveled from the valley to my house almost weekly. I wondered if she was buried there.
I was looking through the history books one day, and I saw a picture of children dressed and running alongside wagon trains. You know, back in the prairie days of old. When people headed west. Maybe this little girl was from this era? I will never know. I went up to the area a few years back, and the whole area was overdeveloped. Homes now filled the valley, and our old home looked so different.
I hoped and prayed she was at rest now. Who knows, maybe she still haunts the old house?
Blessings, Ghostseer

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