Thursday 23 June 2016

A Sudden Appearance in the Road

Location: South Carolina United States
This episode occurred in South Carolina in a very rural (wooded) area called Poston, which is where I grew up. There are a lot of dirt roads in this area and a few sets of railroad tracks running through it, and we would get the occasional freight train rolling by.
One evening when I was about 11 years old, I was riding my bicycle to my Great-Grandmother's house. It was just getting dark outside, which is a bad time to be out near those woods alone, especially with the stories that were told about the weird things that people encounter in the night.
As I approached a small, fensed-in corn field on the left side of the dirt road, I suddenly noticed that a sort of mist started to form in the middle of the road near the corn field (my eyes are getting a little misty just thinking about that night). I continued to ride my bike and the closer I got to this mist in the road, the more it started to shape itself into a human form. I started thinking about all the stories I've heard about ghosts of folks long gone roaming these dirt roads at night.
I kept riding toward it with my mouth open, ready to let out a scream. And just as I was about to yell out, it vanished. By that time, I was almost close enough to touch whatever it was. But, it was gone. While I was at my great-grandmother's, I dreaded having to take that ride back home because by then it was really dark outside. But, I had to get back home so I plucked up some courage and rode my bike back down that road.
Luckily, I never saw the figure again. That was a very scary moment for me that I shall never forget.

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