Thursday 23 June 2016

Ghostly Bedroom in Mayfair

Location: Pennyslyvania United States
This one happened while we were living in Philadelphia. At that point, I was about 2 and my parents and I were living in a townhouse on Bleigh St. In the Mayfair section of Philadelphia. Although I was too young to remember living there, my mom swears that the house was haunted and she is a pretty level-headed woman.
There were several strange occurrences that happened that really have no logical explanation. One time, my mom realized that she was missing $100. Thinking that my dad had taken it, she asked him about it and he denied it. A few days later, someone punched her jewelry box, leaving the imprint of a fist in it. Once again, she just figured that it was my dad that had done it and thought nothing more of it.
A few weeks later while my aunt was at the house, my mom suddenly got the urge to pull up a corner of the carpet in the living room. When she did, she found five $20 bills arranged in a perfect fan under the carpet. Knowing that there is no way that the money could have been arranged there and stayed in a perfect fan after the carpet was put down and pulled back up, she figured that some other presence in the house was paying her back for the money that had disappeared.
Aside from those few events, most of the paranormal activity was centered around my bedroom. I don't know if these memories of mine are real or not, but I seem to remember laying in my crib and seeing flying balls of red and green lights swirling above me crib. I must have seen something, because I would cry and scream "Out, out!" not stopping until my mom had taken me outside onto the sidewalk in front of the house.
Several of my aunts and uncles had also stayed in that bedroom at times, getting equally freaked out. When my uncle stayed there, he slept with a shotgun on his chest, because he said that it felt like someone was coming to kill him the entire time he was asleep in there.
We've long since moved out of that house, but I would love to know the history of it and try to talk to the person living there now and see if they have experienced anything. Does anyone know any way that I could find out the history of the house? My mom should remember the exact house number and I would love to know what exactly I experienced.

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