Thursday 23 June 2016

Unusual Ghost in my Sister's House

Location: United Kingdom
Just to clarify, my sister has moved out and now lives with her boyfriend about 10 minutes drive away. She's pathetic when she's on her own at night and every time her boyfriend goes out I have to sleep over in the spare room.
At roughly midnight I was watching TV when I heard a strange noise, kind of like when you get ringing in your ears but not in your ears, then I heard footsteps in the kitchen downstairs, obviously it wasn't me or my sister, at first I thought it was the cat but then it became increasingly loud.
The footprints then seemed to proceed up the stairs, my sister kept a toolbox in the spare room because of the boiler, so thinking the footsteps were an intruders, I grabbed a hammer and a screwdriver and slowly crept towards the landing, the footsteps carried on, but there was no-one there, so I thought I was imagining it until I felt a hand grab my leg, when I looked down there was a skeletal hand with a blue aura surrounding it, not thinking I slammed the hammer at the hand which, believe it or not, did absolutely nothing.
I then saw footprints in the carpet leading to wards the bathroom so I slowly pushed open the door and I saw a young girls face in the mirror, then she smiled an evil smile the mirror smashed and that was that.
I told my sister in the morning and she told me she often heard footprints and clattering in the bathroom but never dared get out of bed.

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